Why Are Solar Blankets the New Cool?

Why Are Solar Blankets the New Cool?

Yes, you read that right! Now that Okanagan is full-on into summer, one would want to make the most of summertime madness in your pool. But do you really need to spend on a solar blanket? What are solar blankets? Solar blankets have a similar makeup to bubble wrap –...
Testing your pool water is now simpler than ever

Testing your pool water is now simpler than ever

With the sun shining across the Okanagan, it is pool time galore. With everyone getting their parties going with water games and gathering friends and family, you wouldn’t want to ruin it by getting rashes or burns now, would you? That would be such a spoiler! To...
Your pool maintenance guide for the searing summers

Your pool maintenance guide for the searing summers

The summer is here and all you want to do is take a dip in the pool to feel rejuvenated. Just as you are about to dip your feet into the water, you notice something swimming in it. Suddenly, you don’t want to swim anymore. To avoid such a situation, you need to ensure...
When to Replace Your Swimming Pool Liner

When to Replace Your Swimming Pool Liner

Even though you take good care of your inground pool, eventually you’ll need to replace your liner. Most liners last 15 years or so, depending on the quality of your product. Water naturally evaporates from your pool, but if you’re losing water too quickly, there may...