What is ozone and should I use it in my hot tub? A naturally produced gas, ozone is a powerful oxidizer of water contaminants, improving water quality and helping chemical sanitizers work more efficiently. Mixed into spa water, ozone cuts scale, scum and biofilm. As a...
Two common types of pool filters are based on sand or cartridge filtration. Both filter systems keep your pool clean with proper maintenance and the right fit for the size of your pool. Any filter that’s too small won’t filter out the dirt and debris effectively....
The benefits of spa and pool leisure are numerous including stress relief, restful sleep, alleviation of arthritic and sore muscle pain, improved circulation and increased immune system activity. How you maintain your pool water can also have a healthy effect on your...
Adding fragrances to your spa intensifies your experience with the added benefits of aromatherapy but it’s important to choose hot tub friendly products. Coloured oils could leave stains on the side of your spa and time released capsules popular for use in bath tubs,...
All the best of the season to you and your family through the holidays! We know that destressing in a hot tub or spa with your family is a great way to spend time together and if you are thinking of wrapping a hot tub to put under your Christmas tree, we are here for...